Monday, January 30, 2012

I need a jump start

More than once I've gone to my garage and found the car battery dead because I left something on overnight.  Fortunately, I can jump start the battery through the magic of a portable unit by simply hooking up, and in a matter of minutes I'm good to go.

So maybe we can "hook up" today and jump start you towards reaching some meaningful goals in 2012.  Let me anticipate a few alibis forming subconsciously in your mind...

"A month has already come and gone and I haven't even taken the first step!"

"I've been here before, and it always ends up the same."

"I don't even have enough time to even think about goals."

"So who's going to hold me accountable if I get started?"

"I'm not sure I have what it takes to follow through."

Sound familiar?  Are some of these words and phrases reverberating in your head?  If so, join the hundreds of others like you who are stuck in a rut and uncertain what they can do--if anything--to move forward.

Let's address each potential pitfall with something positive.

"It is never too late to start something worthwhile."

:"Let's change your history; let's do what you've been unable to do before...with God's help."

"We make time for the things that are important; how important is change in your life?"

"You can find someone who will hold you accountable." ( a life coach can fill that void)

"You have what it takes...let someone help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and chart a course with you for reaching your goals."

All you need is a jump start.  Let's "hook up" and get moving towards fulfilling your goals.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Handling art form

Kyle Williams has been injured and recently came off the injury list to help the 49ers in their championship playoff game with the NY Giants last Sunday.

He probably wishes he had stayed home in bed!

Kyle made two costly errors that resulted in the Giants getting the football on the 49er 24 and 29 yard line in the last quarter and overtime, eventually handing them the three points they needed to win a narrow victory and earn a berth in the Super Bowl.

Part of big game responsibilities for both winners and losers is to face the press.  For Kyle, he also had to face his coaches and team mates.  He did all of this, in my humble opinion, perfectly.  It was almost an art form in itself of how to respond to failure.

Kyle had an injured shoulder and refused to use it as an excuse for his costly overtime fumble.  He applauded his team mates affirmation of him, and stood courageously before the press answering every question directed at him.

And he did it with integrity and dignity.

I had wondered aloud if he would ever pick up a  football again. What a  way to be remembered!  Not one mistake...but two...and a forfeited appearance in the game of all games for any football player or fan.

Kyle Williams will play football again, and I am betting, he will play for the 49ers.

I'm guessing, at least for me, he will be remembered NOT for the two costly errors he made in a championship game, but for his courage and grace in the face of failure.

We fail, too.  It is easy to fold up our tents and disappear from the scene of the "crime".  It is noteworthy when we face our failures, recognize them as an inevitable part of life without making excuses, and vow to move forward to a new day, wiser for lessons learned.

It's the right way to be remembered.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Appropriate Celebration

Is it okay to celebrate when we have won, achieved a goal, accomplished something significant?

Sporting events are comonly discolored by inordinate over-the-top celebrations,  Following the recent 49ers impropbable comeback win over the Saints in last week's playoff game in San Francisco, the report was that there were only 29 arrests and most of them were for intoxication.  The news pundits observed that this was a low number.

That in contrast to soccer (futbol) games in Europe where people have actually been trampled to death...celebrating!

There is almost a subtle suggestion among the most disciplined ("driven"?) that exulting in our successes may prohibit us from moving forward.  The temptation may be to "rest on our laurels" and to abandon the quest for continuing excellence.

There is some validity to this concern.  Were the 49ers to spend the weekend in drunken revelry, show up late for work on Monday and reluctantly go through the motions during this week of practice in preparation for the New York Giants, the end result on Sunday afternoon would be fairly   predictable--inevitable defeat.

So here's a key word in our life pursuits--balance. Think about this.

B-e focused on your goal.

A-llow for hard work and discipline in reaching it

L-et accontability be a tool for staying on course

A-ccept occasional misteps along the way

N-ever give up or exit the pursuit

C-elebrate the reaching of the goal

E-xhale, and move forward.

If the 49ers are to win on Sunday...and celebrste on Monday...they need to put their party hats away, put their football grubbies on and do the hard work.  it may result in another victory.

And another hard-earned and well-deserved celebration!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am a 49er fan and all year I have been surprised and supercharged by their 13-3 record and their entrance into the playoffs for the first time in ten years!  Perhaps by the time you read this blog they will have made their debut and succeeded...or failed...but they will have accomplished somethings noteworthy given the preseason prognostications of the football experts this year.

As they prepare for their game Saturday I am afraid for them.  They are facing a frightening opponent that has won eight games in a row--convincingly--and they are veterans of the playoff scene.  In fact, I confess, I am nervous about even watching the game, a subject of interesting commentary from the rest of my family!  What am I afraid of?  That they will lose? Perhaps.  That they will win...?  Yes, that they might win, move to the next level, and lose...or win...and move all the way to the Super Bowl! And then...lose...or, win?!?

Crazy, huh?

And yet. much of our life is characterized by such thinking.  If I move forward...and fail...then what?  If I move forward and succeed...what, then, will be expected of me?  Will I have to work harder?  Will the stakes be higher?  Will the possibility of failure increase exponentially? Maybe it's just safer to stay where I'm at.

Safe, semi-secure...and miserable!

I've stepped out into a new venture this year with no guarantees.  Last week I was invited to appear on a small local television station to be interviewed about this venture.  I hesitated--what if I develop a larger base of respondents,  greater than I am equipped to handle?  Then what will I do? I was afraid.

But I went on television, answered all the questions fearlessly, and thanked God for the opportunity He provided to help me move forward in the new venture upon which, I believe, He is placing His blessing. By the way,  I did not solicit the television interview...they called me!  Divine orchestration?

Don't be least, don't let yourself succumb to your fears.  Being careful and cautious does not equal fear.  But not walking through open doors of opportunity could prevent you from enjoying the fulfillment God has in mind for you.

The 49ers may not win Saturday.  But they have an opportunity for the first time in ten years to play football in January!  I hope they win...but even if they don't, it will have been a  successful year for a 6-10 team last year that went 13-3 this year because they believed they could achieve their goals despite the odds stacked against them.

Go 49ers!