Thursday, March 6, 2014


Cancellations last minute in the counseling world are painful because it is almost impossible to fill the spot.  For me it is difficult since each scheduled appointment is very important to me.  

Someone cancelled today--they had a good reason--and I found myself grumbling.  I asked myself as I walked on the beach instead, "Why is it that I handle change with such a combative spirit?"

Admittedly I am a creature of habit and I function best in an environment of order and regimen. You will know that if you walk into my office and look at my desk.  It's funny when I step back and evaluate "why?"", that it boils down to issues of predictability and control.  

And how much of that do I really have a handle on...?

I obviously cannot predict the actual events of any day.

I acknowledge as well that my clients had no control over what happened in their young lives today that prevented their coming for counseling. 

I want sameness in my work life.  I want to come and know that my office is in order and that my clients will be on time and that I can go home when I planned.  

As I walked at Pismo Beach I remembered Hebrews 13:8--"Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever."  That is one certainty I can count on.  That will never change.

Maybe I am learning that.  Walks on the beach--today the product of a cancellation--put me in touch with what's going on inside of me.

Today I am remembering that in my uncertain--sometimes frustrating world--of last minute changes, Jesus is the same!

Yesterday, today, forever.

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