Tuesday, July 22, 2014

reflections on friends

We just returned from a  week with "old" friends.  We have a lot of history together and Bev and I both have been the beneficiaries of their love and kindness.  Here's a reflective acrostic on the vital elements of meaningful friendships...

F--eeling valued by people who know you well but still love you

R--econnecting without the need for getting reacquainted

I--nitiating contact for no apparent reason 

E--njoying familiar stories tinged with memories often rehearsed

N--avigating the changing seasons of life and laughing about them

D--oing spontaneous things together comfortably

S--haring pain and sorrow as well as joy and blessing with equal openness

H--ighlighting the "light bulb" moments of our continuing spiritual journeys

I--nvesting in active concern for and commitment to pray for each other's families

P--lanning the next time we will be together and hoping we don;t have to wait that long!

Thanks Dan and Carolyn, Jim and Laura--our friends!

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