Thursday, December 19, 2013

Making marriage work

My recent counseling has involved young couples committed to building and preserving their marriages.  It has prompted a class I will be teaching ten installments beginning Sunday, January 12th entitled, "COMMITMENT: The VOW Factor in Marriage".  The focus of the source will be to understand potential sources of disruptive havoc to the maintenance of our marriage vows.  I will post the topics on my website,, and make our materials available upon request.

Making marriage work is hard work.  The vows we take with the "for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death parts us..." have been unwittingly replaces with "as long as we still love each other", or, "until it gets too hard".

A commitment for the new year in any marriage--healthy or not--to enrich the relationship we have by invoking the principles of God's Word--will be the theme of my study.  I hope you'll join me.

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