Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year's "Drears"

Is "drears" a word?  I'm uncertain but I'm confident the word communicates with some of you.

It is not about failed resolutions from last year or the futility of anticipated resolutions for the new year.  It sometimes is about a gnawing feeling in the gut of our stomach that reverberates painfully with the frightening "here we go again".

But I am another year older now.  And I will be sixty-six later this month (no card or gifts, please).  And I should be wiser.  

The good news is, I think I am.  I recognize this reoccurring January visitor and the cold water it would throw on every determined effort I make to set meaningful goals for the new year.

Nonetheless, I am determined.

I've been journaling--no one gets to read my journals--and I am hopeful--again--that in spite of missing the mark in some critical areas last year, by God's grace I did learn some lessons that are an increasingly significant part of my life resources in coping with the challenges that are sure to come in 2014.

Left to my own resources, that gives me the "drears".

Looking to Him, it diminishes my fears.

Welcome, new year.

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