Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cowering or Confident?.

In January I will be 64 and in January, 2013, the world of pastoring and counseling that I have enjoyed for forty-six years will change..dramatically!

At times I am confident about the future when I anticipate the excitement of new challenges.  But, I confess, there are times I cower at the thought of starting over and doing something different.  I am learning to prayerfully and carefully take "risky" steps--"risky to me because they are without guarantees--and to trust God who has opened doors and birthed a love in my heart for the coaching-counseling profession.

Here are a few significant steps I have taken in recent days...

1. Yesterday I leased an office space for off-site coaching and counseling away from the church.  I already have clients who come from the community and I am more comfortable seeing them off-site as I collect reimbursement for my services. (For those who may be interested, my office is at 270 Hanford Street, Suite B in Sutter Creek, California 95685)

2.  I am launching a website in the next two weeks--"Full-LifeCoaching.com"--which will allow you to access me directly on-line.  75% of coaching is done on-line, often via Skpe, and I have enjoyed the opportunities I have already experienced with this technologically-streamlined, yet personal approach.

3.  I am transitioning away from my role of senior pastor at Grace Fellowship Church where I have served for over fifteen years since beginning the church in 1996. In February, 2012, one of my staff pastors who I have mentored for the last thirteen years will assume the role of "Lead Pastor".  In other words, the proverbial buck will stop at his desk--not mine!  Although I am grieving in part the change which I have requested, I am anticipating this new season of my life.

4.  I am voluntarily giving my office space--a familiar refuge for me--to the new "Lead Pastor" to further facilitate the transition process.  He will be gone for the month of January teaching in New Guinea, and when he returns we will have exchanged office space--so books must be boxed (I have over 4,000) and the reality of change will feel even more apparent.

5.  I am uncertain about many things--things that have always seemed comfortably predictable--but now I am learning with my sweet wife, Beverly, to "walk by faith"--our motto for 2012.

Someone once said, "The future is as bright as the promises of God."  I believe that remembering this will dispel the incidents of momentary cowardice that cause me to flinch at the contemplation of change and uncertainty, and catapult me to the confidence I have in God who has never failed me.

You may be facing similar transitions and uncertainty in light of the new year, and the choice between cowering in fear--the enemy's suggested response--and moving forward in confidence--God's desire--is yours. Let's pray we'll make the right choice!

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